Korean Culture

[Korean Food] Pa-jeon

오렌지사과키위 2023. 5. 8. 10:54

Pa-jeon is a traditional Korean dish made primarily with green onions, known as "pa" in Korean. It is made by mixing the green onions with flour, eggs, and other ingredients to create a batter, which is then fried in cooking oil. Additional ingredients such as red pepper flakes or various vegetables can be added to enhance the flavor and texture.

Pa-jeon is commonly enjoyed by dipping it in a soy sauce-based dipping sauce or paired with soju (Korean distilled liquor) or makgeolli (Korean rice wine). It is particularly popular to enjoy pa-jeon with makgeolli on rainy days in Korea.

Pa-jeon comes in various forms and variations. Some popular types include sweet potato pa-jeon, seafood pa-jeon, noodle pa-jeon, and kimchi pa-jeon. You can also experiment with different ingredients and combinations to create your own unique pa-jeon.

Among Korean cuisine, pa-jeon is known for being a delicious dish that is relatively simple to make. If you ever visit Korea or have the opportunity to try Korean food, I highly recommend giving pa-jeon a try!

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