Korean Culture

[Korean Food] Chueo-tang

오렌지사과키위 2023. 5. 8. 10:57

Chueo-tang is a soup-based dish where the seafood is simmered together with ingredients like radish, scallions, and garlic. While freshwater fish like crucian carp or loach are commonly used, other seafood such as eel, sea cucumber, crab, or shrimp can also be included. As a result, chueo-tang offers a rich and flavorful taste of the sea.

The soup in chueo-tang is known for its hearty and savory flavor, enhanced by the abundance of seafood. Some variations of chueo-tang may also have a spicy kick by adding red pepper flakes. Chueo-tang is typically enjoyed by sharing it with rice or savoring the broth along with the seafood.

In Korea, chueo-tang is often enjoyed during special occasions or in the winter season. It is believed that the rich nutrients from the seafood and the warm broth help to keep the body warm. As chueo-tang features fresh seafood caught from Korean waters, I highly recommend trying it when visiting Korea or exploring Korean cuisine.

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